Friday, March 05, 2010

Great News!

From my publisher!

Final Sword Productions, parent company of Under the Moon and Ad Astra Games, is proud to announce that they've signed a contract with Mercedes Lackey to produce a D6 roleplaying game and sourcebooks based on the Valdemar books.

Terri Pray, who's books are currently on sale with Loose Id, Mojocastle, Cobblestone Press and others, is the lead creative for the project and will also be overseeing continuity.

Sam Pray will be handling artwork, maps, layout and charts, along with RPG material.

Scott Palter, well known for his work with West End Games, will be working on RPG material, finance and admin.

Ken Burnside, who's work includes the Honor Harrington games and the award winning Attack vector: Tactical, is dealing with the game mechanics.

For further updates about the project, where we are, snippets of work, artwork, and more as the months progress, please see

For further information please contact Terri Pray via

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